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The Game of Goals™

Play your habits to win and own a core set of habits within 28 days so you can LEVEL UP and do it again!

What Others Say

  • Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

    Jim Rohn, Entrepreneur and Author 

  • Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

    Napoleon Hill​​, Author "Think & Grow Rich"

  • If your habits don’t line up with your dream, then you need to either change your habits or change your dream. 

     John Maxwell​​, Professional Speaker

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  • Daily random, easy, 2 minute value tasks 

    This pattern of constant daily wins re-wires belief and confidence in yourself and your follow through so you can own a core set of habits in the next 28 days the easiest, most fun way possible!

  • Support of fellow Players

    Don't worry, you are not alone!  All Players are encouraged to share their victories and their struggles so you're prepared to face the common roadblocks that trip people up.

  • 5 minutes per day Personal ScoreCard & PlayBook

    You improve what you measure. Now you're the master of real, tangible results that improve your sense of accomplishment and your productivity steadily, day over day and month over month.

  • Playing inside the lines

    Experience simple daily instructions within our framework to keep you on track so you can feel confident you're doing the right activities at the right time. 

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